Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Holidays! Time to Steal!

I was getting in my truck to go to work two days ago and noticed that the antenna wire for AJ's XM radio was hanging out of the old red truck. I asked AJ later if he had taken stuff out of his truck, and he said he had. I gave it no more thought. Aj then informed me today that he checked the red truck and discovered it had in fact been broken into. The XM satellite radio is missing, as is the change from the ashtray. We had found the car ashtray on our wall the other day, and though found this to be odd, but apparently not odd enough to search our vehicles.

I am not sure if this is an economy thing, or a holiday thing, but this is the first car I have ever owned that has been broken into. I hope whoever steals the Xm radio enjoys it until I turn it off tonight(I have been on hold with XM for 20 minutes now and decided to blog to fill the time). Success! After talking to a nice man in India, the radio is shut off and can never be turned back on without knowing all my personal information.

So whomever you are that stole a now worthless satellite radio and an ashtry full of change, Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The news you have been waiting for......

So, Amy is "blessed" with challenges relating to pregnancy. It always seems to be the good news / bad news scenario. Which means we are frequent flyers of the OB and ultrasound offices. Today was the 18 week ultrasound appointment when the nurse attempts to guess the gender of the baby. Well leading up to this appointment Amy has been on the hormonal roller coaster of pregnancy including some increased chance of neural tube defects (spina bifida). Ok everyone's hands up for the ride.............increased nerves because she can't feel movement, they found complete placenta previa which means definite c section and pelvic rest until baby is born (awesome), no evidence of neural tube defects, and ....

Its a girl!