Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Holidays! Time to Steal!

I was getting in my truck to go to work two days ago and noticed that the antenna wire for AJ's XM radio was hanging out of the old red truck. I asked AJ later if he had taken stuff out of his truck, and he said he had. I gave it no more thought. Aj then informed me today that he checked the red truck and discovered it had in fact been broken into. The XM satellite radio is missing, as is the change from the ashtray. We had found the car ashtray on our wall the other day, and though found this to be odd, but apparently not odd enough to search our vehicles.

I am not sure if this is an economy thing, or a holiday thing, but this is the first car I have ever owned that has been broken into. I hope whoever steals the Xm radio enjoys it until I turn it off tonight(I have been on hold with XM for 20 minutes now and decided to blog to fill the time). Success! After talking to a nice man in India, the radio is shut off and can never be turned back on without knowing all my personal information.

So whomever you are that stole a now worthless satellite radio and an ashtry full of change, Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The news you have been waiting for......

So, Amy is "blessed" with challenges relating to pregnancy. It always seems to be the good news / bad news scenario. Which means we are frequent flyers of the OB and ultrasound offices. Today was the 18 week ultrasound appointment when the nurse attempts to guess the gender of the baby. Well leading up to this appointment Amy has been on the hormonal roller coaster of pregnancy including some increased chance of neural tube defects (spina bifida). Ok everyone's hands up for the ride.............increased nerves because she can't feel movement, they found complete placenta previa which means definite c section and pelvic rest until baby is born (awesome), no evidence of neural tube defects, and ....

Its a girl!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Amy says I have to post what we are thankful for so here it goes.

Dad is thankful for 2008 to be ending. There has been lots of medical expenses this year and Dad is thankfull for everyone finishing the year mostly healthy. Finally.

Mom is thankful for her family. And thankful for the clinic surviving the recession so far.

Dylan is thankful for starbursts candy and balloons.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


With all the "I want to be a girl" talk and crossdressing I thought I had lost the boy forever. I had mentally said good bye to tossing the pigskin around , dirtbikes, or any sport other than dance. I was convinced Amy had already signed him up for ballet behind my back. The other day the big D advised me he wanted a truck like mine(prideful tear) only he wanted it to be pink. (pride gone)

Well yesterday Amy was at work and I was having trouble finding the boy. One of those too quiet moments. Well walking down the hall, the bathroom light was on, so I opened the door to make sure the boy was in there and this is what I found. Pride has returned!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

San Diego

Our family vacation was fun until Amy left us. Amy said she would be willing to do anything the old rich guy wanted. She ran aboard and told us to not call her anymore. Look closely, that yacht is 5 floors. And out of the picture there are 2 fishing boats that dock on the back of the yacht. Guess we can't really blame her.......

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bonnett Baby #2 on the Way!

Due date May 7, 2009.

We are now exactly 12 weeks pregnant. This is a picture from today of our little Squishy (Aj prefers Squirt). Aj is convinced it is another boy (and odds are it is), but I am still going to hold out a small glimmer of hope that we could have a girl. We will find that out in 6 weeks.

First trimester was as usual for me full of all day sickness. Due to my earlier issues, this was my fourth ultrasound. All looks great, and apparently we are continuing in our trend of growing giant babies. This one is already measuring 6 days ahead of schedule.

For those of you not as skilled in reading an ultrasound, the profile of the head is on the right, and the arm is by the face appearing as if the baby is sucking its thumb.

CORRECTION: The baby is actually due in 2009, not 2008. Apparently that was a little wishful thinking on my part.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I had to go to the doctor yesterday, and AJ decided that he should weigh and measure Dylan. I have long suspected that we grow giant children. My first clue was his dainty size at birth of 9 pounds and 14 ounces. Myabe it was the 14 3/4 inch head. It frightens me to think about it. To us, having a giant child seems as normal as having an ordinary sized child. Lately, Dylan wants to be carried a lot. I am starting to get to point that I cannot hold him for very long, and plus it seems weird to be carrying a child whose feet hit your legs right above the knee when he is being held.

Lo and behold, our giant child is 3 1/2 feet tall and weighs a hefty 41 pounds at 3 1/2 years old. Yikes! No wonder I have low back pain.

AJ and I have devised a plan to slow down his growth. We are going to start with copious amounts of caffeine, but only in the mornings and on the days he goes to preschool. If the exponential growth still continues, we will add in cigarettes, but only those brands made with unadulterated tobacco. If all these efforts fail, we may have to consider the hard stuff.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Daddy's pride and joy

I know that a child's curiousty has no bounds. I know that my son is going to emulate both parents from time to time. I was even ok with the wife painting his toenails once in awhile. But I have to draw the line at cross dressing! If I didn't know better I would think the wife is trying to turn him into one of them gays!- kidding of course. Maybe the next one will be a girl. Then my wife can focus her estrogen elsewhere. I guess I should buy him some sports equipment soon.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I want to be a girl

Thought my first blog would be about Dylan, our 3 1/2 year old son. We were driving home after a long day at work, and apparently a longer day at preschool. I had to sign an Incident Report because my darling child does not share well. He expresses his frustration at the sharing process by hitting other children in the face. But back to the original story...

We were driving home when out of the blue my son announces that when he turns into a girl, he wants to put lots of stuff in his purse. Awesome. Sure this is going to go over well with the husband. I tried to ask him why he wanted to be a girl, and he told me that he wanted to be like me. That kid really knows how to melt mom's heart. I delicately explained to him that he would not be turning into a girl, but would forever be staying a boy like Daddy. He answered in the all knowing way of toddlers with a long ooooohhhhhh. Phew. So glad at this age that these questions are easily explained away. Now if I can just get him to stay out of my make-up and jewelry, then we would really be doing well.