We are now exactly 12 weeks pregnant. This is a picture from today of our little Squishy (Aj prefers Squirt). Aj is convinced it is another boy (and odds are it is), but I am still going to hold out a small glimmer of hope that we could have a girl. We will find that out in 6 weeks.
First trimester was as usual for me full of all day sickness. Due to my earlier issues, this was my fourth ultrasound. All looks great, and apparently we are continuing in our trend of growing giant babies. This one is already measuring 6 days ahead of schedule.
For those of you not as skilled in reading an ultrasound, the profile of the head is on the right, and the arm is by the face appearing as if the baby is sucking its thumb.
CORRECTION: The baby is actually due in 2009, not 2008. Apparently that was a little wishful thinking on my part.

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