Thursday, November 27, 2008


With all the "I want to be a girl" talk and crossdressing I thought I had lost the boy forever. I had mentally said good bye to tossing the pigskin around , dirtbikes, or any sport other than dance. I was convinced Amy had already signed him up for ballet behind my back. The other day the big D advised me he wanted a truck like mine(prideful tear) only he wanted it to be pink. (pride gone)

Well yesterday Amy was at work and I was having trouble finding the boy. One of those too quiet moments. Well walking down the hall, the bathroom light was on, so I opened the door to make sure the boy was in there and this is what I found. Pride has returned!


The Fam said...

That looks so fake! Awesome!

thebonnetts said...

Not fake. The other picture of him turning pages is not appropriate for a family friendly blog.