Wednesday, January 7, 2009

more roller coaster

Ok so we have yet another ultrasound, but this time with the perinatologist. (yes, amy is that special)The doctor finds a mass of blood vessels on amy's bladder that should not be there. The "doctor" advises he has no explaination for this and orders an MRI. Well, 10 minutes on the internet gives us the answer. Amy was already diagnosed with placenta previa. And often in the case of a previous c section is placenta acreta. And the worst, most invasive case of acreta is placenta percreta which is where the placents "burrows" through the uterus into the bladder or bowel. Well we go to the MRI and all the orders have placenta acreta and percreta on them. Awesome. I guess when you are the dr and do not want to break bad news, you can just tell the patient I have no explaination, go see the other doctor. Anyway Amy is axious to be diagnosed so she calls the dr. The bobble head answering phone advises she should call back next week. Amy does not order people very often..... but yesterday she ordered the bobblehead to advise the dr. to call asap. And if he does not Amy will be calling everyother day. Good for her. i hate bobbleheads. Pics to follow, I am too drunk to figure out the cd provided by the MRI tech.
P.S. I love scotch

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