Saturday, September 20, 2008

Daddy's pride and joy

I know that a child's curiousty has no bounds. I know that my son is going to emulate both parents from time to time. I was even ok with the wife painting his toenails once in awhile. But I have to draw the line at cross dressing! If I didn't know better I would think the wife is trying to turn him into one of them gays!- kidding of course. Maybe the next one will be a girl. Then my wife can focus her estrogen elsewhere. I guess I should buy him some sports equipment soon.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I want to be a girl

Thought my first blog would be about Dylan, our 3 1/2 year old son. We were driving home after a long day at work, and apparently a longer day at preschool. I had to sign an Incident Report because my darling child does not share well. He expresses his frustration at the sharing process by hitting other children in the face. But back to the original story...

We were driving home when out of the blue my son announces that when he turns into a girl, he wants to put lots of stuff in his purse. Awesome. Sure this is going to go over well with the husband. I tried to ask him why he wanted to be a girl, and he told me that he wanted to be like me. That kid really knows how to melt mom's heart. I delicately explained to him that he would not be turning into a girl, but would forever be staying a boy like Daddy. He answered in the all knowing way of toddlers with a long ooooohhhhhh. Phew. So glad at this age that these questions are easily explained away. Now if I can just get him to stay out of my make-up and jewelry, then we would really be doing well.