Friday, July 31, 2009

been a while...

Ok so we have been a little distracted and have been falling behind on our blogs. But,alas we have returned to the blogs and hope to keep y'all better informed. Maya is smiling a lot and reaching for things. Control over the limbs is still tough. I am sure she will figure it out soon. She also pretty close to rolling over. She hates bottles which makes it hard for dad to feed her while mom is at work. She is still waking during the night and we have not figured out the reason or the cure.
Dylan is a typical 4 year old and very smart. Too smart most of the time. we are currently working on the sounds letters make and trying to show him how words work. He is very distracted and it is hard to get him to concentrate on anything. We were also trying to lean how to ride a bike without training wheels, but its been near 100 degrees lately and when its not its raining. So we have not been on the bike in awhile. Dylan did get a riding lesson the other day. Instructors were impressed on how well he did for his age. Here are a couple of pictures of the kiddos and hopefully we will be on here soon.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cute Dylanism 2

Aj was asking Dylan to pick up his toys out of the living room and have him take them to his room. Dylan had picked up 2 toys, and AJ asked him to pick up the last toy on the floor. Dylan then said that he couldn't pick it up cause he does not have octopus arms.

Maya Update

Maya is 5 weeks old tomorrow.

Here's what we have discovered so far.

Feeds: every 3 hours pretty much around the clock
Diapers: about 10 a day
Bedtime: 8 PM
Wakes: 6 AM

For the first month of her life, she rarely cried. She has know discovered that a earsplitting cry gets Mommy's attention much faster. She still has a whole symphony of squeaks and grunts.

She is learning to lift her head up, but is only able to do it for a few seconds.

Everytime she is awake, she feels like she should have a boob in her mouth. This is just like Dylan :)

She luckily rarely spits up, which is the opposite of Dylan. I have to admit it is kind of nice to not have to change her clothes and my clothes multiple times in a day.

Her first smile came very early in her first week of life. Now we are just waiting for the smile when she sees one of us.

Dylan is madly in love with his sister, almost too much. Hugs and kisses are a little rough, and interactions have to be supervised at a close distance.

Maya is starting to chunk up a little. This is nice because her arms and legs had an odd deflated appearance when she was born. She also had no butt, literally. She now has some nice chunky legs and really chubby cheeks.

I am convinced Maya looks like me, but everyone tells us that she looks like Dylan.

More info as it comes.

Pacifier Check

I apologize for not posting, but I think a new baby is a pretty good excuse :)

AJ and I tried to explain all the new baby stuff and what its purpose was to Dylan. We explained to him about the crib and how it kept the baby safe from rolling out of bed. We explained about pacifiers and how they can help soothe a baby and stop them from crying. Dylan wanted all the baby things to be his. The morning after we brought Maya home from the hospital, Dylan came out of his room and told me that pacifiers worked on 4 years old too. I asked him to explain this to me. He told me that he was out of bed in the night and went around putting all the pacifiers he could find in his mouth. Dylan decided that pacifiers kept him from crying too.

Aj and I are so glad to hear that all of Maya's pacifiers have been tested and approved by Dylan.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Am'y Definition of Irony

Child #1: I had delusions of natural childbirth. I never went into labor, instead I had to be induced at 41 weeks. Dylan never dropped, and I never had many contractions before the induction. Fast forward 17 long hours, things were not going well. Dylan got stuck and his heart rate was slowing down. I get an emergnacy c section. I then find out how giant Dylan was (9 lbs 14oz, 14 3/4" head).

Child #2: I no longer have any delusions about anything remotely natural. Placenta previa guaranteed the repeat c section. I am trying to be positive that I never have to feel a contraction, and knowing exactly when I will go into the hospital. I was wrong, again. Wednesday night I had a couple of contractions while sitting on the couch resting from long day at work. I figured it was Braxton Hicks due to working too hard. The next day I had more contractions, but never more than 2 in a hour and non were really painful. I went about my day, dropping Dylan at day care, going to work for a couple of hours. I figured I would ask the OB at my visit that day at 1pm. I was fully expecting to hear that this is what Braxton Hicks feels like, and that I should expect to feel that way for the rest of my pregnancy. Apparently I had the look of a woman in labor, and the nurse immediately brought in the OB after seeing me. She immediately checked to see if I was dilating. I was once again fully expecting to hear nothing was happening. Wrong. I was 2 cm dilated. WHAT!?! I don't dilate. I don't go into labor on my own. The OB put me on the monitor which said that I was contracting regularly. Things were really quickly from there. The OB told me that I had to be at the hospital by 4:30 (it was 1:30). I had to call AJ and get him home from work, get Dylan from preschool to my Dad's house, and get to the hospital. We were not quite ready to go. AJ had not packed yet. I had only packed half of my hospital bag.

AJ and I made it just in time. Due to the previa, time was of the essence. I was immediately put me into pre-op. IV's, blood tests, etc. I was then taken to the OR. It took 2 spinals to get my belly numb (very fun). Aj was allowed in just in time to see Maya being born. Another 30 minutes and my tubes were tied and I was wheeled out.

IRONY: When I wanted to do a natural birth, I had a giant baby with a giant head and I never went into labor. When I could not have a natural birth, I go into labor on my own and have a peanut sized baby with a peanut head. FYI: pitocin contractions are 1000x more evil than regular ones.

Aj and I have our 2 beautiful, happy and healthy children. Our family is complete. No regrets about how we got here.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

She is here!!!

Well, apparently Maya was ready. Three weeks early and before we were prepared, maya began making arrangements to move out. Amy had been having irregular contractions overnight wednesday night. Aj was of course at work. Amy had a doctor appointment thursday afternoon. Well one look at Amy was enough to get the nurses and doctor moving at the office. Doctor advised Amy that she was in fact in labor and she would be delivering her baby tonight. This is a problem because due to placenta previa, Amy has to have a c section! Amy had to call Aj at work, Aj had to come home, pack, Dylan needed to be picked up from school and taken to grandpa's house etc. Well Aj made it home and Amy was mostly packed. the contractions didn't seem too bad. On the way to Dylan's school, Aj noticed that Amy's contractions were approx 5 mins appart and lasting 30 sec. As the contractions became stronger and more regular, we drove a little faster. The contractions then started to come every 2 mins lasting 45 - 50 secs, drive a little faster. Before we even got Dylan to grandpa's house, the doctor called. She was already at the hospital and quite nervous we were not going to make it in time. Well, we did make it checked in around 4:30 and maya was born at 6:16pm on the 16th of April by c section. With a clean bill of health we were allowed to leave the hospital Sunday just after lunch. No we are scrambling around the house to wash and prepare all the bassinets, swings, chairs etc. Aj even boiled a pot of nipples today. So if you missed us, thats why. Hope to blog soon The Bonnetts

Sunday, April 12, 2009


The last Dr. visit confirmed Maya's eviction date remains May 1st. Amy is miserable and we think we are ready for her arrival. Other than that things remain busy!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Busy times

Sorry to our 4 followers for not keeping up on our blogging postings. We have been busy.
Amy is busy growing Maya. Which means her day only lasts until about 7pm. At that time she is snoring on the couch. Maya is due to be evicted from the womb May 1 at about 730am. The doctors have decided the placenta previa is marginal now. It still means pelvic rest. Awesome.
Aj has been taking a couple of undergrad classes and has decided that college algebra is the devil. Doesn't help that the instructor is chinese. Good times. Glad I finally dropped that class!
We have also painted Dylan a new "big boy" room. Since he has moved into the new room, he was nice enough to give the "baby" room to his little sister. Anyway the Lightning McQueen room has been a big hit. Surprisingly, there have been no issues with the new sleeping location.
We are trying very hard to make this a big deal for Dylan as well. Not sure how its going to work. He has recently decided he needs to play with all the baby toys we are recovering from the garage. He will not allow them to be just for the baby. I have a feeling that there will be issues as soon as he doesn't get enough attention.
Back in March I was lucky enough to be asked to assist in some really great training in Witchita Ks. The training we offered went well and I think the departments around Witchita got a lot out of it. We also learned that Kansas is the flatest portion of the planet. I don't know how the rivers know which way to flow. It's that flat!
Well, thats our excuses and here are some pictures. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Maya's Delivery Date

I saw the OB today, and they have tenantively scheduled the c section for May 1st at 7:30 AM. This all depends on the outcome of the next ultrasound on March 25th. If the placenta is no longer covering the cervix, then the delivery will be May 1st. If not, delivery will be closer to April 13th.

So she will be making her debut between 5-7 weeks. At this point, I would take earlier rather than later.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Birthday Party

Amy has been working hard to prepare for this birthday party. Dylan has chosen SpongeBob for the theme. So friday night Amy is getting the last few items to make a SpongeBob cake for the party. In the cake / craft store Dylan sees a princess cake and declares he wants one. I explain to Dylan that he only gets one cake (expecting him to choose SpongeBob). He joyfully exclaims he would like a princess cake. I ask him again if you only get one cake, which one he would like. Answer: princess cake. So, other attempts at indirect reasoning with the boy have the same result. So finally, I just tell him that he is getting a SpongeBob cake. At this point in the conversation I am expecting some diagreement, emotion, or even a holy fit. The Big D just looks at us and says, Ok.
The party goes off without a hitch. We did a few things differently this year. We kept the guest list low, kept everything simple, we fed all party goers with about fifty dollars worth of food and mainly did not get in over our heads with preparations. It was great. I don't think we will be able to get away with it next year.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Yes it is true the boy is FOUR! So he had a pretty good day on his bday. So first thing in the morning Dylan wakes up crying. This should be good we thought. Dylan was crying because he did not grow. He was expecting to wake up bigger then when he went to bed. Mom was on it and explained how growing works and talked him down from that one. Then the next issue was the confusion of size 5 clothes eventhough he was only 4. He said we need to go get size 4 clothes right away! Mom again had to talk him down from the ledge and explain the sizing of little boy clothes. We surprised him at school with McDonalds chicken nuggets of course. Pretty good day. His birthday party is Sun so we will post pics then. Back to painting the big boy room.

been gone for awhile....

Ok so I am just getting over the flu. (thank you work) Amy has been painting Dylan's big boy room so we have not been blogging. Sorry to our 3 followers. So Amy did have a ultrasound the other day and to her surprise they did one of those freaky 3D images.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cute Dylanism

I have been trying to really build up Dylan's self esteem in preparation for the shocking entry of a new sister into his world. Every day we have a little dialogue about how much I love him. The other day I asked him how much he loved me, and he answered with 12. Apparently this is the largest number that popped into his head. He can count to 100, so I am hoping one day he will love me 100.

Dylan loves me 12.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back from the Fetal Position

Amy here. I realize that I have not been on here in a long time. This was entirely due to the extreme amount of stress that I was under, which forced me to spend every waking minute in the fetal position. By fetal position, I really mean a mental fetal position, which for me means hours of playing mindless spider solitaire. Now that my stress has been reduced to a more manageable level, I am starting to function in my life again. So here I am ...

Medical update #47:

I saw the OB/GYN on Friday, and she gave me the plan. I will be scheduled for an amniocentesis at 36 weeks to determine lung function. If her lungs are mature, she will evicted from my womb. If the lungs aren't done cooking, then she gets another week on the inside. I am a big believer in karma, and figure that with all the needles I am sticking in people that I probably deserve a really long needle in my belly.

I am a little freaked out that this amazing event will occur in about 10 weeks! AAAHHH! We are not ready. Aj (who does not have the insane nesting hormones) is trying to convince me that we do not have to have Dylan's new race car bedroom completely painted and perfect before the baby gets here. She will be sleeping in a bassinet in our room at least until she outgrows the bassinet. That gives us a couple more months to move Dylan out of the nursery.

Oh, here's a fun fact. I have been seeing an interim OB, since my regular OB is on maternity leave. This means that when she returns for my 28 week visit, that she could change the delivery plan.

By the way: I am grateful that the placenta is a pregnancy only organ, and that with the birth of our little girl, that I will never again have to think, discuss, or deal with my placenta ever again.

Monday, January 19, 2009

MRI results

OK so evnthough we saw the mass of blood vessels on the ultrasound and doppler, the MRI says no blood vessels. So somewhere there is a doctor who cant read either an ultrasound, doppler or a MRI. Hooray!
Amy is happy and it seems we may be lowering our standings as the most unique complicated pregnancy ever. Amy's new worry: Her ankles are swelling. The baby is quite active and we are starting to narrow the name list down to a few. So if you have any suggestions please send them soon. The boy is good. He is convinced it is a boy and doesn't understand why he can't choose. oh yeah and today he decided that since he is a little monkey, he must have a monkey in his belly. I'll let amy clear that one up. Good times.

Whats EMS abuse?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

more roller coaster

Ok so we have yet another ultrasound, but this time with the perinatologist. (yes, amy is that special)The doctor finds a mass of blood vessels on amy's bladder that should not be there. The "doctor" advises he has no explaination for this and orders an MRI. Well, 10 minutes on the internet gives us the answer. Amy was already diagnosed with placenta previa. And often in the case of a previous c section is placenta acreta. And the worst, most invasive case of acreta is placenta percreta which is where the placents "burrows" through the uterus into the bladder or bowel. Well we go to the MRI and all the orders have placenta acreta and percreta on them. Awesome. I guess when you are the dr and do not want to break bad news, you can just tell the patient I have no explaination, go see the other doctor. Anyway Amy is axious to be diagnosed so she calls the dr. The bobble head answering phone advises she should call back next week. Amy does not order people very often..... but yesterday she ordered the bobblehead to advise the dr. to call asap. And if he does not Amy will be calling everyother day. Good for her. i hate bobbleheads. Pics to follow, I am too drunk to figure out the cd provided by the MRI tech.
P.S. I love scotch