Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back from the Fetal Position

Amy here. I realize that I have not been on here in a long time. This was entirely due to the extreme amount of stress that I was under, which forced me to spend every waking minute in the fetal position. By fetal position, I really mean a mental fetal position, which for me means hours of playing mindless spider solitaire. Now that my stress has been reduced to a more manageable level, I am starting to function in my life again. So here I am ...

Medical update #47:

I saw the OB/GYN on Friday, and she gave me the plan. I will be scheduled for an amniocentesis at 36 weeks to determine lung function. If her lungs are mature, she will evicted from my womb. If the lungs aren't done cooking, then she gets another week on the inside. I am a big believer in karma, and figure that with all the needles I am sticking in people that I probably deserve a really long needle in my belly.

I am a little freaked out that this amazing event will occur in about 10 weeks! AAAHHH! We are not ready. Aj (who does not have the insane nesting hormones) is trying to convince me that we do not have to have Dylan's new race car bedroom completely painted and perfect before the baby gets here. She will be sleeping in a bassinet in our room at least until she outgrows the bassinet. That gives us a couple more months to move Dylan out of the nursery.

Oh, here's a fun fact. I have been seeing an interim OB, since my regular OB is on maternity leave. This means that when she returns for my 28 week visit, that she could change the delivery plan.

By the way: I am grateful that the placenta is a pregnancy only organ, and that with the birth of our little girl, that I will never again have to think, discuss, or deal with my placenta ever again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, first time I'm trying to post a comment so a few hurdles, but I think I've got it now.
We're glad to hear you're doing better... I'll have to get a cool nickname for future posts...